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McGray & McGray works with agencies and design engineers on a wide range of projects, such as topographic design and boundary surveys of all sizes, roadway design, right-of-way acquisition, utility facilities design, water/wastewater projects, drainage and flood studies, streambank stabilization, dam safety surveys, tree surveys, as-built surveys, aerial mapping control, and construction verification and staking.



With more than 30 years in business, McGray & McGray provides a complete range of land surveying services.

Geodetic Control/GPS Surveys/Mapping Control

With more than two decades of experience using GPS, we have been responsible for precise positioning of thousands of points for control. Projects have included geodetic control for GIS for municipalities, State Plane Coordinate control, control for TxDOT, CTRMA, and TTA highway projects, city-wide drainage studies, and a large statewide industrial user with a dozen sites in Texas. We have positioned mapping targets for highway mapping projects spanning more than 80 miles, airports, as well as numerous large private developments in the Austin area and around Texas.

Engineering Design Topographic Surveys

From roadways design and expansion to sidewalk improvements, water treatment plants and floodplain mapping, McGray & McGray has performed thousands of design surveys for state, local and federal government entities, engineering firms, and developers. Projects include topographic design, contours, cross-sections, profiles, grading, as-builts, boreholes, monitoring wells, buried and overhead utilities, and tree locations. Our AutoCAD, MicroStation, GeoPak, and file-manipulation experience makes for a seamless information interchange between engineers and architects.

Right-of-Way Surveys Easement Surveys

With years of experience supporting City of Austin, Capital Metro, and TxDOT surveying contracts, McGray & McGray is experienced in surveying existing and proposed rights-of-way. Our surveyors perform extensive deed research and have prepared plats and descriptions of parcels and right-of-way maps for hundreds of parcels for right-of-way acquisition projects. We have also surveyed and prepared similar documents for easement acquisition for utility routes and for the vacation of both roadways and easements for governmental entities.

Boundary Surveys

We have located property corners for boundaries of tracts ranging in size from a small lot to thousands of acres. Our surveyors and technicians have extensive experience in deed research and boundary analysis. We have performed boundaries and as-builts on road and highway expansions, lots, acreages, apartments, warehouses, shopping centers, office buildings, churches, commercial facilities, industrial complexes, and airports.


McGray & McGray uses terrestrial and mobile LiDAR scanning for projects where remote collection of topographic features can increase safety and provide value to the client.

Terrestrial Static Scanning
HDS Scanning

Roadway corridors with a high volume of traffic which would require lane closures, bridges and emergency response situations, historic sites: all can benefit from this remote collection approach. Terrestrial static scanning using our Leica C-10 system can offer both fast and accurate topogaphic surveys with positional tolerances that can be within 0.05’.

Mobile LiDAR

McGray & McGray provides mobile LiDAR scanning through the use of trusted acquisition subconsultants. Safety is a very important issue when working on projects where personnel are at risk of injury. This technology has been embraced by municipalities and TxDOT as it conforms to their Safety Regulations & Standards while working in hazardous areas.




McGray and McGray provides construction staking and construction verification surveys (quality assurance surveys) for a wide range of projects.

Construction Staking and
As-Built Surveys

We have staked the horizontal and vertical alignments of roadways, water, wastewater, storm sewer, and telecommunication lines, park improvements, playgrounds, soccer and softball fields, tennis courts, golf courses, trails, channel improvements, detention ponds, buildings, parking lots, culverts and bridges, large industrial sites, and piers for large public buildings. We are familiar with grading plans and with the adverse conditions and fast response often associated with construction staking.

Construction Verification Quality Assurance Surveying

McGray & McGray provides quality assurance surveying services for civil improvement projects, including roadways, state highways and tollway construction projects. QA/QC checks are regularly  performed capturing data on pavement and bridge abutments, bents, and bearing seats, along with other requested checks. As a local firm, we can quickly deploy to collect required locations, and use our terrestrial scanning equipment for fast and accurate data collection and mapping.

Construction Surveys

© 2017 McGRAY & McGRAY Land Surveyors, Inc. |  TBPELS Firm# 10095500 

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